Step 1: Tenancy Setup
The first thing you'll do as a landlord is setting up your preferred terms of tenancy on PropertyNow including rent amount, lease type, frequency of rent payments and so on. Once you've completed tenancy setup, we'll send two emails to your tenant
- An invite onto the PropertyNow platform containing an automatically generated password for their tenant account
- A request for confirmation that they'd like to accept your tenancy terms
Step 2: Tenant Accepts or Declines
After they receive their invite email, your tenant will be able to login to our tenant area and accept or decline the tenancy terms you've offered.
Step 3: Landlord Signs
You can't sign the agreement directly from within your account, or before the tenant has accepted your terms. Once the tenant accepts the terms you've offered, we'll generate your tenancy agreement for signing and send it to you via email. You'll be able to click the link in the email to review and sign your tenancy agreement.
Step 4: Tenant Signs
Once you have signed the tenancy agreement, we will automatically email it to the tenant to review and sign. Similar to step 3, tenants can't sign the agreement before you do, and the agreement can only be signed after clicking the secure link in the email notification.
Step 5: Agreement Complete!
Now that both parties have signed it has become a legally binding agreement. From here, the tenant will be prompted to setup their bank account details and sign a direct debit agreement so that we may begin processing rent per the agreement.