Tenancy setup is divided into the following steps
Tenancy Details - names and contact details for yourself and your tenants
Lease Details - The type of agreement (fixed or periodic), start date, and how much rent is to be paid and when.
Utilities - Details of what services (electricity/gas/water) are connected to the property and who is responsible for paying for what.
Other details - Any other key details that will form part of the lease such as nominated repairers, approved pets, maximum occupants, inclusions and exclusions, specials terms etc.
Review - This is the final step of creating a tenancy and is where you'll be able to check through everything you've specified relating to the lease before sending it to the tenant.
The exact questions displayed on each step will vary depending on the prescribed form for rental agreements in your state (as this varies nationwide) and are designed to help you meet your obligations as a landlord.